
about me
My name is Gaia, I'm 23 24 25, love cherries, chocolate, Alanis Morissette and F. S. Fitzgerald's novels - The Great Gatsby is my favourite.
In 2004, because of endless weird coincidences, I found myself at Dolce Emporio and immediately felt in love with it. Now I work there (while getting my degree!), organize chocolate/pastry lessons for children and beginners, and attend every food event that comes to my ear.
If you'd like to contact me, email me at gaia.cozzi@tin.it, call 0039.0552398741 or come visit me at the shop, which is where you'll find me almost 24/24.

about Dolce Emporio, my shop
Established in 1961, Dolce Emporio is the oldest candy shop in Florence. Located in the heart of the lively neighbourhood of San Frediano (Borgo San Frediano 128 R), Dolce Emporio is the perfect place for anyone with a sweet tooth. Among the hundreds of sweets, both Italian and imported, you will also find chocolate, cookies, cakes, preserves, coffee, wines, liqueurs, champagne, pasta and Tuscan specialties.

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